Wednesday 9 January 2013

A NEW LOOK for 2013...

This is going to sound really silly, but I only just discovered the option to have pages on Blogspot... major edits to the rest of my blogs coming up I think - lol... I do love to play!

I hope you all like the NEW fresh look for this blog and find it easier to navigate the Evolution Trilogy.

As a means of introduction, I was inspired to write after seeing an interview with Stephenie Meyer in February 2010... For years I had written down ideas and hidden my scraps in the recesses of my computer. I was embarrassed to admit I had ideas and wanted to write stories.

I lost a lot of confidence at school. Even though I did very well in English in the end I was convinced I was not good enough to be a writer (even though I used to write stories all the time from a young age - I wanted to become the next Agatha Christie).

Since I was good at Maths & Science I naturally followed that road, ended up doing a degree in Accounting & Law (which I found extremely challenging, boring & depressing), and then decided (in my wisdom) to train as a Chartered Accountant. Are you surprised to find out it was a mistake? Anyway, after less than a year I resigned, even though they all thought I was very good at my job! I decided to retrain as a Teacher of Maths (since I always liked helping people) and found my calling.

I worked  as a Teacher of Maths in a secondary school (which I sadistically loved) for a few years before I left on maternity leave. We then moved to Holland for a few years and child number two came along. I had traumatic deliveries and found it hard to find "peace."  When we moved to the Isle of Wight I finally felt at home for the first time in years. It is fair to say that I am not a "city" girl...

I was about to go back to work in 2008 when I discovered number three was on her way!

To keep my sanity over the years I have helped voluntary organisations by doing their accounts, organised fundraisers, tutored Maths, read a LOT of books, cooked & cleaned (way too much), done craft with my kids, met up with friends... I tried it all. BUT, there was something missing...

So, when I listened to that interview in February 2010 I decided to try to write a story - for FUN! And I did. I wrote a romantic chic flick story of 67,000 words and I was very proud mf myself (it was not well written but the story had promise). Either way, as far as I was concerned at the time that was a lot of words... I naively submitted it to agents after reading the Writers & Artists Handbook (how little did I know? ha ha) and of course got rejections - I keep them as momento's.

I got the idea for The Evolution Series (now a Trilogy) around May 2010 and started to write. The original story started with Steven the summer before he started university. It was different to what it is now. Before long, Hybrid was born.  It was only 75,000 words at first draft.  It took 2 years to get it to the 103,000 word stage it is now. Whilst I edited and changed Hybrid, I wrote Complications, which is why I managed to publish Complications at the end of 2012.

I have started Return, but ever since I started to actively promote my writing, time has been more precious.

I have had great advice and feedback along the way from online friends at , Twitter, and Booksie. I also had amazing support via friends and family. But, I have to stress that I have done the bulk of the editing, so any errors are my own. I also designed the covers.

Anyway, enough about me, enjoy the first two books of my Trilogy! I have put my heart and soul into them...

Thank you for having a look
Vanessa Wester :) xx


  1. I can sooooo identify with your situation, except that I didn't wise up as fast as you did.

    In college, my professor insisted I didn't give up writing, even though he himself was a starving artist. But the corporate hamster wheel kept me running. The money I made kept me busting by butt sixty to eighty hours a week. The thought of writing never entered my mind.

    And then, my second child needed me.... It's amazing how a six-figure salary is chump change in relation to your child. I was doing it all. Married, two sons, happy, big house, two cars, jet skis... But I walked away....

    As I sat at home waiting for my youngest son to get home from school, it dawned on me; I could start writing again. I have everything.

    I would encourage everyone to do what you love--FIRST! You may not have a tomorrow. I threw away fifteen years of my life that I will never get back.

    I'm proud of you, Vanessa. Keep up your dream and putting your family first. :)

  2. Thanks for commenting Carmen, I do realise I am not alone! It seems amazing to me how many writers there are... People eager to get their words out and read
